Podere Conte Ràcani Residence

In May of 2016 I was selected to be part of a residency in The Cultural Park of the Podere Conte Racani, Italy. It was an incredible experience to enter a different world and be surrounded by nature for ten days, and to simply create. My inspiration for this mural came from the first impressions of seeing the photos of Umbria and where the Cultural Reservation was located. It seemed like an ideal getaway for an artist to be inspired and create artwork. It is no surprise that my initial reaction turned out to be the exact goal and purpose of the Podere Conte Racani Residency program. While I was there, I worked alongside Cinnamon and Rowan Stephens who are sculptors/metal workers from Australia, and you can see both mine and their creations during our stay in Italy in the process video. 


"The Cultural Reservation Podere Conte Ràcani – Spring Residency Program 2016 awards accomplished professional artists the opportunity to stay for 10 days on the beautiful hills above the left bank of the Tiber River, in the heart of Umbria (italy), 60 km far from Rome and near to Amelia, Spoleto, Orvieto, Todi…. 
The 10 days-long residency grants resident artists space and uninterrupted time to pursue their own independent projects."