Through The Cracks: Spider-Man

A 49 foot wide mural I have painted that is located between 3d and 4th Avenue on Columbia Street in Vancouver.

Originally I named this piece - "Through the Cracks", because just like weeds that weren't supposed to grow from the asphalt, people somehow overcome adversities and outrun themselves and others to reach success. But as I developed this idea further, I realized I could use this theme as a metaphor in many other ways to tell stories. Therefore, a new name came up - "Spider-Man", which is an homage and a nod to one of my good friends who is the model in this image and also the biggest fan of Spider-Man I know. His hard work and persistence helped him break into the animation industry which is a really competitive field. Thanks to the years of hard work he now creates animation for movies - the highest level of quality an animator could reach for. In a way it turned out to be a happy accident that the model for this mural happened to be someone who in mind, could really relate to this message.

Click on this LINK to see the The Vancouver Sun article about the mural.