Sutton Boys

James Knight (Fourhundredml) and myself were lucky to be part of the inaugural Vancouver Mural Festival in the Summer of 2016. The wall presented an interesting challenge, and we used its layout to support the playfulness of our composition. Using the themes of youth, discovery, and exploration as our main inspiration, we naturally developed the visuals for this mural. After having arranged a photoshoot in our friend's backyard with his kids, whatever was left undecided quickly fell into place. Having real life experiences guide us throughout our design felt really refreshing, and both James and I embraced the experience.

Later I spoke with CBC radio in interview about the festival and our wall, listen to it here around the 23 minute mark:

Huge thanks to Vancouver Mural Festival, Mount Pleasant BIA, City of Vancouver, Thyme to Indulge Bistro, Sutton Family, Andrew Young, David Vertesi, VMF Crew, VMF artists, and all the amazing people who helped put together such an amazing experience.